Arrangement of Orientation Program

Day by day ‘Jibon’ has achieved the honour to arrange different programmes of North East Medical College. Among these, the most important one is arranging ‘Orientation Programme’ for the newcomer MBBS and BDS students. At the first week of January, a meeting is called by the honourable Principal sir to discuss with the members of Jibon to set the plan of the programme. In this meeting, members are allowed to suggest new ideas about the programme. After this meeting, the President of Jibon calls another meeting to divide the members into different groups to arrange the programme successfully. On this meeting, a budget is fixed to meet the expenses of the programme. At the next morning, the budget is submitted to the Principal sir.

Few days before the programme, the members become busy with their works. They make different posters which contain colourful pictures, welcome messages & wishes for the newcomers.
After that the busiest evening for the members arrives, that is the evening before the programme! On this evening all the members gather in the college campus. They decorate their campus with different posters, festoons, cartoon & other artworks. They work till late night to represent their campus so nicely to the freshers. They also do lots of fun to make their work enjoyable.


The stage is decorated with fresh colourful flowers for the teachers & guests at Fahim lecture gallery. Different festoons representing the campus are placed on the wall of the gallery. The whole campus takes a festive look to receive the freshers. The stairs are covered with red carpets so that newcomers feel very special. The road from the main gate to the college building is decorated with colourful flags. A gate decorated with flowers is placed in front of the college building to welcome the freshers. Two members of Jibon remain there to receive the new students & their guardians. In front of the entry gate of Fahim lecture gallery, a booth is placed to welcome the freshers with fresh flower sticks & gifts from Jibon. Jibon also arranges a quiz competition for the newcomers & give the prize to the 1st, 2nd & 3rd position holder.

The white coat ceremony is also conducted by the volunteers of Jibon. A speech is given by the President of Jibon to encourage the newcomers to donate blood & join Jibon. At the ending of the program, the members distribute food among the freshers & their guardians.

This event gives an idea to the freshers about the organizing activities of Jibon & they get the inspiration to volunteer for it.